Hearts of iron iv pt br
Hearts of iron iv pt br

hearts of iron iv pt br

Torch of the Grand Temple: +4 to Cleave replaced with +4 to Earthquake.The Flying Dragon: +4 to Reciprocate replaced with +4 to Whirlwind.→ New Modifier | Whirlwind: 30 Cold Damage + 240 Frostburn Damage over 3 seconds. Added 100% Lightning Damage converted to Cold. → Modifier | Sweepind Wind: 60 Cold Damage. +2 to Inner Storm replaced with +3 to Whirlwind. Vengeful Wind: Removed Lightning damage bonuses.→ Modifier | Punish: RatA reduced from 6% to 4%. → Modifier | Spectral Blade: RatA reduced from 10% to 6%. → Modifier - Blessed Hammer: Bleeding damage increased from 240 to 320 Bleeding damage over 2 seconds. Flat bleeding damage replaced with 100% increased Bleeding damage.

hearts of iron iv pt br

→ Modifier - Frenzy: Weapon damage reduced from 20% to 15%. → Modifier - Cleave: Damage conversion removed. Soul Harvest - Modifier: Poison damage increased from 1000 to 1400 over 5 seconds. Fate of the Fell: +4 to Cyclone Strike replaced with +4 to Wave of Light.→ Modifier - Heaven’s Fury: Added 50 Lightning damage. 100% Physical damage converted to Lightning. → New modifier - Furious Charge: 500 Electrocute damage over 2 seconds. → Heaven’s Fury Modifier - Added 16% Slow Target for 1 second. → Avalanche Modifier - Damage conversions updated with the latest changes to the skill. → Storm Armor modifier: Lightning Retaliation increased from 240 to 300.

hearts of iron iv pt br

→ Electrocute modifier: Electrocute damage increased from 240 to 320 over 2 seconds. → Fists of Thunder modifier: Added 60 degree arc | +2 target maximum. Mythical Hack: RAtA reduced from 15% to 6%.Scythe of the Cycle: Cold damage bonuses removed.The Final Witness: Added Blessed Shield proc skill.Darklight: Added Lightning Bolt proc skill.Lai Yui’s Persuader: New 2h weapon designed for the Uliana’s Stratagem set.Alacrity: Fixed an issue where the base skill required dual wielding, however only its transmuter is supposed to do that.Valthek’s Rebuke: Fixed an issue where its mythical version didn’t have the ‘Mythical’ prefix.

hearts of iron iv pt br

  • Stormcrow Visage: Fixed the flight animation of the Stormcrow and improved its FX effect.
  • Fixed some issues with the new affixes.
  • ( Delete the old “Diablo_III” folder and replace it with the new one)
  • New “Whirlwind” skill type granted by Patterns of Justice set.

  • Hearts of iron iv pt br