The config permission is necessary for a mod to change the look and feel of a community. Email Looking to create an account? Password Forgot your password? Email to send reset instructions to. I am supporting you for a quite a long time, but I am not feeling like paying $20 for a mod and another $10-$20 basically for an addon, which is Mod (s): Ada Cheongsam Blue (authros Aerosmith and Vladislav01) Post-processing injector: ReShade. Koei Tecmo will no doubt target those before any others.链接: 作者:DrSlumpX. Meanwhile, the inevitable raft of Dead or Alive nude mods is already widely available. Hopefully Koei Tecmo takes the Shenmue mod in the spirit with which it is intended. should be respected and protected so that they further the longevity of their intellectual properties." ".please take into consideration that contents created by, not only game developers, but also from music composers, film producers, animators etc. Here's part of a statement sent to Eurogamer on the matter last month: Last month Koei Tecmo called on PC modders to play Dead or Alive 5 Last Round "in good moral and manner". "But we can always mod existing games to fullfill our deepest dreams."

"Have you ever wanted a Shenmue fighting game? You already know it won't happen, EVER!" Esppiral wrote in a post on.

It's pretty impressive work, as the screenshots, below, show. So, Jacky becomes Ryo, Akira is Lan Di and the Dojo stage is Shenmue's Dojo. The Dead or Alive Shenmue Edition mod was created by tinkerer Esppiral, who retextured a couple of the characters in the PC version of Koei Tecmo fighting game Dead or Alive 5 Last Round to look like characters from Shenmue. The likelihood of Sega investing the millions of pounds it would take to create the Shenmue sequel the series' fans want gets less and less with each day.